City = Medium


City = Medium is an equation defining the city as both a medium for creation and a platform for communication.

It is also a philosophy that I embraced during my studies at UMPRUM in Prague. Over the years, I explored various forms of creating in the middle of urban space — starting with graffiti, moving on to spatial sculptures and eventually light projections. Light projection captivated me the most, as it allowed me to encompass large areas with image and motion. And yet, it leaves no lasting trace — everything can be switched off in an instant. A few hours later, the first rays of sunlight touch the city, and night gives way to day.

Language of the City

The dimensionality and ephemerality of light projection became the central theme of my diploma project, through which I decided to explore the city’s potential as a medium. I began to explore the interaction between architecture and projected imagery – using real-world data like meteorology and timetables to create a dynamic visual narrative. I was fascinated by the possibility of letting the city ”speak” through the very data it creates.

Soon, with a small team, we launched our first outdoor projections. The results of the experiment were good, even though we didn't have powerful projectors and we did everything ourselves.

However, I knew there was more to uncover. Together with my colleague and friend Vladimir 518, we embarked on a comprehensive exploration of light interventions in the Czech Republic. This journey led us to uncover the story, where the visionary works of Zdeněk Pešánek, Stanislav Zippe, Václav Cigler, and Magdalena Jetelová converged.

New horizons

At the same time, we invited contemporary artists to create new works, culminating in a book that brings together artworks from 1925 to 2012. The result is a somewhat intuitive yet rigorously compiled 400-page publication, which until then had been missing in the Czech Republic art scene.

The book was launched at the end of 2012 with an audiovisual concert at the Roxy Club in Prague.

For me, City = Medium represents a milestone on my journey. It completed my academic phase and proved to me that I can continue my education and discover new horizons in practice.

I have proved that dreams can indeed be transformed into reality.


Book design
Visual identity

Creative direction (project)

Jan Matoušek

Book concept

Vladimir 518, Jan Matoušek, Markéta Vinglerová

Graphic design (book)

Jan Matoušek


Biggboss and UMPRUM

Artists and their photographs mentioned here

Vladimir 518 (photo Tomáš Brabec)
Zdeněk Pešánek (archive Jiří Zemánek)
Magdalena Jetelová (photo Werner J. Hannappel)
Jan Matoušek (photo Michal Šeba)
Václav Cigler (archive DP)
Michal Škapa (photo Tomáš Brabec)
SPAM (archive Vladimir 518)
Prokop Bartoníčk (photo Mikuláš Křen)
Vojtěch Fröhlich, Ondřej Mladý, Jan Šimánek,
Vladimír Turner (photo Vojtěch Fröhlich)
(photo Vojtěch Fröhlich)


The Most Beautiful Czech Book 2012



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